The Oxford Film Festival was originally to have taken place in Oxford, MS in March. Like all other events, is was postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19 shutdowns. Well, the festival will now be doing the Oxford Virtual Film Festival online all summer and Far East Deep South is in the lineup! This will be next time the general public has an opportunity to see Far East Deep South since theaters and festivals continue to be shuttered.
The film will be available to watch on demand only between June 5-12. The cost to watch the film is $10. The proceeds from the “ticket sales” will help offset lost costs to the festival and the filmmakers due to the COVID-19 shutdown. Once you buy a “ticket”, you can watch anytime during the week the film is available. Your “ticket” purchase will also give you access to join the live video Q&A on June 10th at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT (New date/time!) with director, Larissa Lam, producer, Baldwin Chiu and editor, Dwight Buhler.
The Oxford Film Festival is hoping to have a real in-person festival later in the year but until then, please support the film by going to for info on this screening and to purchase a “ticket”.
For more technical info & FAQ on how to watch online through Eventive, the platform Oxford Film Festival is using, click here.